Can someone please tell me what program they are using to create custom watch

Can someone please tell me what program they are using to create custom watch faces apk’s for the KW88? I would like to see if i can transform my zooper projects and possibly add a few more. Thanks!

A good start would be to read the posts of +Smash Smashin …

Actually they use APK Easy Tool.
Use google translate to read this!/files/C1meOYwCdCrmhxGnmoA4 or this

is it me or is that article in spanish now? I did read it (over and over) and if i recall correctly his first line was that he wasnt going to explain how to create an app project. Just explained how to go about coding it…?

So are we basically de-compiling and recompiling the files? Is that a possible way/shortcut of creating a new watchface? Could we find the background and change the image, hour markers and so on? Then rename the file? Will that work?

To make new watcface you have to

  1. decompile existing apk containing any face made previously by someone
  2. change background and hands
  3. change some names in xml files
  4. compile apk again
    steps 1 and 4 are made by “apk easy tool” (java needed)
    That’s all.
    Need more details - please look for some posts of +Smash Smashin here

No Pain, no gain… :wink:

Hi, just recently I had seen the website link @Smash_Smashin ​ created had been altered (the guide) and now the description is gone. It is easy to use apk easy tool, but I think it is possible if we can create some thing from his app base. Anyone has the description file downloaded?