Can someone make this pleaseee. It would make my day.

Can someone make this pleaseee. It would make my day.

Just a try to see if its working, don’t have the time for a proper one today… If its OK for you just tell me and I give it a real one in the next few days…

Haggis the clock skin is amazing. Thanks for making me this. Is it possible jus to tweak it a lil bit at put a center line in the time dial so its easier to tell the time please… thanks again for making me the request. I appreciate it. :slight_smile:

Sure - this one is far from ready, just to test if it works like intended. Will add a line for the Minutes, dials will be completely redone as they “hiccup” and minute markings are not done yet. Was just a test if its the right style you want - started half past midnight so I didnt have the right eye for it. Will start when I am back home tomorrow. Would you like some weather Icons or step counter or something like that in the golden shield below?

Whatever you feel that will work well with it im sure ill be happy with it.

Standard Version without anything else, Hommage made by request. If you find any errors please inform me so I can correct them.

Tech Version (with Battery, Temperature and Weather) - did not do the weather icons myself, Kudos to Alessandro Domingos for them. Hope it works as intended, have fun

Thank you for your time and skills making this face. Putting the battery status on it is a great idea… :slight_smile: