can someone make me a face like the lil pump watch?

can someone make me a face like the lil pump watch?
with a lot of white diamonds
with cool hands
And with number 1,2,3… dont put I,II,III,IV…

if someone can do this help me
greetings from spain




Can you provide a hq image of the watch you want mate? I like gold :wink: Greets

@Jurgen_Oberst something like this style
can you do something cool with this?
missing/deleted image from Google+

@Alvaro_Moras I will look for a better photo in this style and let you know if you like it. But no idea if I could do tonight. Greets

@Jurgen_Oberst ok no problem i trust you bro


@Casper_69 ty i will use this and add some dials and play with contrast and light. we will see :slight_smile:

@Jurgen_Oberst ok

@Jurgen_Oberst Here, it can come in handy :slight_smile:

@Casper_69 perfect ty! I will credit you as well when finished :slight_smile:

@Jurgen_Oberst That is unnecessary. I just helped you a little, I do not need to credit :slight_smile:

@Casper_69 too late :stuck_out_tongue:

@Casper_69 ok cool greets

I think the dreadlocks will be very difficult to animate. O-o

@Louis_Peek nah I can take a photo of the dreadlocks growing on my armpit :slight_smile:

@Jurgen_Oberst LOLZ!

Yo la quiero por favor

Lol with bezel looks like shiat and without the same looks pretty ugly on my watch diamonds no bling bling this face appears orange on the watch not golden… nah i am trying to design something from scrach whem i have time but this face above forget it. Greets