boys is normal to remain hours and hours so if I look for updates

boys is normal to remain hours and hours so if I look for updates ??



Nope…not normal …I shouldn’t wait any longer :wink:

what do you mean ???

If the update doesn’t appear available after e few seconds - there is something wrong and you should leave it and check another time.
Other considerations are - only check with WiFi enabled and make sure your battery has at least 70% charge.
These are the recommendations from KingWear.

Ok thanks man I tried using the wifi but nothing remains stuck on the screen !!

Then I would forget about it for now and try again in a few days. It’s nothing special anyway.

Ok man thanks

Actually - I just asked KW and they have not released it yet. So check again in a few days

it is an amazing watch i hope they’ll fix the battery problem

Agree. beautifull watch…can’t wait to get it…just ordered it two days ago and haven’t got a clue how soon it gets here :wink:
I’ll have to wait and meanwhile read and participate here in our beautiful community