Bluetooth calling solution.! Kospet hope hack

Any update on this guys? There’s a strong interest in bringing Bluetooth Calling back to today’s Android smartwatches, the ones running 7.1.1. If this can be solved, it will bust a lot of things wide open. Hope this attempt doesn’t fizzle out.


None whatsoever Mr T unless @pablo11 knows something we dont ? Good to see you on the forum :+1:

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Hi. Sorry to say I can’t solve this problem. Activating the proper BT profiles does make it work up to the point where audio routing plays a part. This is after picking up the call. You can hear the DTMF tones of the keypad of the watch on your phone though. But no mic and speaker.
Must be a good reason why it is not implemented already. Impossible? Maybe.


Haha, yea, good to be back. Only happening because China has been silent on pestering me for review updates for the past couple of weeks with their extended holiday and new virus crisis. I wish everyone well through what’s about to come. Sad situation.

As for BT call tethering, I am certainly a total novice in this area, but I do remember a few Android 6 watches were able to handle Bluetooth calling with a separate app. I’m wondering if there’s any ‘hint’ in that implementation of A6 that’s different than what was stable in A5.1 that could give guidance on how to approach A7.1.1. It would make sense to me (and I have no idea what I’m talking about here, but just a sense of things), that a dual app solution, like one on the watch and one on the phone, that handles the Bluetooth communication between them totally separate from the way the native phone Bluetooth does for earbud tethering or the way WiiWatch2 does for watch tethering functions, could possibly work. Any new ways of attacking this? Will BT call tethering work with Eric’s Universal launcher? Thoughts? Ideas?


BT calling by Tethering is not going to work on Android 7.1.1 no matter what software is used.
Google made sure of this.
If there was any way it were possible I would have let you know…


It’s not comfortable to use watches instead smartphone sometimes.
Many apps is not good for small displays.
Even WhatsApp has small icons and they are too close to each other…
Now using watch as a companion…
Cospet prime is very good!
Voice calls unavailable now, so i use bluetooth earphones when i need free hands, kospet shows me messages, incoming calls, no need to pull out your phone from your pocket.
I’d give bigger price for them if it has NFC, ip 68…
Software also very poor…due to hardware
Anyway it’s good companion…
Sorry for my English, studied at school 25 years ago…)

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Ha ha, your English is pretty good :+1:
Well, the reason why we can’t make much progress in the full Android watch phone area is mainly because of Google.
It’s all related to security and it all leads back to Google.
So, to be able to use these devices for NFC apps requires a degree of security that is unavailable for us because Google refuses to grant a license to use their ecosystem of security patches, services and apps.
They will not license any device that has a screen size less than 2.5 inches in diameter.
To make matters worse, beginning from Android 7.1.1 onwards, Google has started blocking activation of any Play Store services for devices that are not licensed.
Of course, most of the reason for them to behave like this is due to them having such a huge investment in WearOS.
So this is the challenge that the Chinese manufacturers have to face when they make these devices.

Big changes will come but we have many challenges to overcome before this can happen.



Ya after android 6.0 from android 7.1.1 google changed their bluetooth stack architecture making it problematic for them too but from android 8 onwards they changed their bluetooth stack again and it can support bluetooth calling back

This patch might work to make bluetooth calling work,so it should be possible to activate bluetooth calling from android 8.0,but sadly this watches face some other google play services problems😫

@pablo11 is it not possible for this companies to release a android 8 update without play store or some alternative which can give useful apps for watch,because there are only some useful apps that work properly with our watch.

I dont know if it is allowed to provide github links,so please delete link if it is not allowed


@pablo11 >Google made sure of this.

I have to confess ignorance as @SmartWatch_Ticks did, but it seems BT stacks for headsets could be used as an alternative which might require using vendor-specific AT commands. I think we’re just missing some expertise in the BT headset dept.

Of course, migrating to A8 would be a cleaner solution.

Edit: Has anyone played around with this app’s code? Intercom for Android.

Hi, @tweakradje please can u show a simpler way how to do this (without Root) on my smart watch and on phone ,as I’m also wanting to try this on my android 7.1 smart watch as Bluetooth calling does work on mine too.

Very interesting…does this actually work with headphones or earbuds to conduct calls?

Once again: Bluetooth calling won’t work on android 7.1 watches. Sorry…


Not possible. There is fundamental audio routing limitations for BT in Android 7.


@tweakradje Thanks. You are correct :+1::handshake:

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Still it might be possible… Thru upgrade of WiiWatch 2 companion app of the SmartWatch since it can already interact and connect… and perhaps thru future updates of SmartWatch firmware.

Sorry, but Bluetooth calling on android 7 devices won’t happen…

Beg to disagree, but thre’s always hope and possibility… Maybe not now, but soon. Only time will tell :slight_smile:

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Well, I’m sure there will be almost no development for Android 7 as the developers are now focusing on Android 10. But I don’t want to take away your hope.


Neither Wiite or the OpenWatch Project will be working on Android 7.1. That would be a complete waste of time, as Android 10 brings a lot of new features and improvements.

Also, Android 11 just came out, so we will start working on it once it’s available.


It’s just like …you saying I just wasted my money in buying kospet Prime, because it’s 7.1.1 and there’s no more room for improvements. Now we can control drones using Android phone by way of WiFi connection. I can transmit how the drone will fly. It can even transmit sounds & videos. So, it is possible also that a Smartwatch can control the phone’s cellular functions, such as contacts browsing, calling and even text messaging. If there is a limitation on its bluetooth functionalities, then perhaps its WiFi is a workaround.