BEWARE do NOT close Android applications to save battery energy

BEWARE do NOT close Android applications to save battery energy.

I hope that this is the right place to post. This is interesting for both Android and iOS:

Stop Closing Your iPhone’s Background App
The same can be said for Android as well. In fact, closing your background apps actually uses more battery than just leaving them open. That’s because shutting down and initializing an app requires more energy than restoring it from its suspended state in your “background.”

This is not the case with faw’s. Keeping background running apps to a minimum is a advantage

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Thanks. What is faw?

Full android watches. What we support on this forum

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This is true to a very minor extent.
Some apps need to run in the background and forcing them to stop causes battery stress.
However, depending on the Android version, some apps can run riot and need to be shut off.
In newer versions of Android this is taken care of.
Android 10 and upwards have much better app management.

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