Battery Life - what causes battery drain faster


For last few days I’m testing what causes battery drain faster. My phone is on Airplane mode, with only watch face… using as a “watch” only device. Also pedometer is ON.

Here is my first result.

Firmware: DM20_LEM10_V1.1_20200711
Battery saver mode: OFF
|AirPlane| wifi | BlueTooth | wrist | Data | Pedometer | Batter lasts  |
========== ==== ========================================================
|   √    |   x  |     x     |   x   |   x  |    √      |  4 Days 17 hrs |
---------- ---- --------------------------------------------------------
|   x    |   x  |     x     |   x   |   x  |    x      |               |
---------- ---- --------------------------------------------------------
|   x    |   x  |     x     |   x   |   x  |    x      |               |
---------- ---- --------------------------------------------------------
|   x    |   x  |     x     |   x   |   x  |    x      |               |
---------- ---- --------------------------------------------------------
|   x    |   x  |     x     |   x   |   x  |    x      |               |
---------- ---- --------------------------------------------------------
|   x    |   x  |     x     |   x   |   x  |    x      |               |
---------- ---- --------------------------------------------------------

I wish some among you could also fill this as per your own experiences…

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Result No. 2
Firmware: DM20_LEM10_V1.1_20200711
Battery saver mode: OFF
|AirPlane| wifi | BlueTooth | wrist | Data | Pedometer | Batter lasts  |
========== ==== ========================================================
|   √    |   x  |     x     |   x   |   x  |    √      | 4 Days 17 hrs |
---------- ---- --------------------------------------------------------
|   √    |   x  |     √     |   x   |   x  |    √      | 1 Day  5 hrs  |
---------- ---- --------------------------------------------------------
|   x    |   x  |     x     |   x   |   x  |    x      |               |
---------- ---- --------------------------------------------------------

What I noticed is that the screen uses a lot of power. I currently have BT on, WiFi on, GPS on, Gesture off, 4G off, Battery saving on below 15%, all processes killed except messenger and Whatsapp.
I only use 4G on demand.

I get currently about 38 hours of usage.

I’ve the same settings… I only use 3G but for a few days… i’m only on wifi… and batter still lasts only for less than a day. even… BT off…

And when you switch off 3G and only use when you really need it? I have noticed that mobile access uses a lot of power when coverage is poor.

yeh… that is true… if no coverage it pushes the processor… so do you mean keeping 4G handles it in better way?

No, 4G has not a higher signal strength than 3G.

I have one of the best solutions to make battery prolonged…
turn off battery saver

Settings → More → Background cleaner → battery Saver (turn off).

It won’t drain battery… just unload apps you don’t want by pressing and holding power button…-> recent tasks… > (and close what you dont’ need)… and leave what you need again and again…

by doing this… My battery is lasting for more than a day!!! :slight_smile:

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