Array Types for Watchfaces (Calories, Distance, etc.)

Problem is that there’s no way of knowing WHERE to pull the sunset time from afaik, so even if you have the array it’s not easy knowing how to make it work for your location. You would have to depend on the system weather app to provide that info.

All is not lost if you want to program watches using LUA language and watchmaker .watch files that you use in universal launcher, I’ve done quite a few that works on our platform.

workflow woud be 1- create and design with WFD then export .watch file that you import in watchmaker. From there you program them to do whatever you want. There are tutorials and mewe groups that can help. Problem is that rectangular faces aren’t supported so I’m just staying with stock launcher. I can have google voice search as a tap action and just ask the sunset time directly to google :wink:

btw, that data you posted… try opening it in a hex editor? and paste the code into it and choose to paste it as a new file. (the format is .bin)