Apk wrist shaking please

Hi everyone, I’m looking for an apk that works well on android 11 and Lemfo LEM 16 that makes me launch a default application by shaking my wrist. I installed and tried several apps from the play store such as “shake” and many others but the majority none work properly they are all obsolete and stop working. So I created a profile in tasker that triggered the action with a movement of the wrist but it does not bear the rotation but only back and forth, up and down in reality it is not a real shaking and therefore it is not as precise as I want. Does anyone have any info for me?

Well, Tasker was what I wanted to recommend to you. If this doesn’t solve the problem I have no other idea. Sorry.


yes, as I said with tasker it works but it doesn’t allow you to adjust the sensitivity so it rarely works and to trigger the action I have to choose the gestures of moving the clock forward or moving it away to the right / left. This method is very cumbersome. Until now only “shake” has worked with the shaking but after the screen has turned off it stops working despite having enabled all the permissions including battery optimization. Now I’ve come up with a trick with tasker that makes shake apk run when the display wakes up and simulate the back key after half a second so the apk goes running in the background but it’s not in the foreground. It’s working sporadically but that’s not what I want also because it’s not good to see the apk shake appearing on the screen every time the screen turns on with every raise of the wrist…

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Hi. I would like to send you this message for now and get it back to you soon. I hope it will be useful.

I made gesture control flow by Automate, like below;


And another method by Tasker;


I will try these ways in my LEM16 after.


looks great, tomorrow i’ll import it into my lemfo ( now i have to go to sleep ). I saw that there are 4 profiles. As soon as I try it on the watch, I’ll let you know if it works but I first need to figure out which profile is best suited to my needs "I only need it to open applications using a wrist gesture. Thanks, I’ll let you know

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The project do;

  1. AccelerateSensor2
    Default is off. If you shake your arm, then this profile become on. This profile check “shaking twice”, so its not necessary to be on at default.

  2. If display off
    Default is on. This profile turn off the profile “AccelerateSensor1” by display become off. The sensor use battery a little, so its needed.

  3. AccelerateSensor1
    Default is on. This profile check the acceleration. And If you shake once, the profile do the task “shake1”. If you shake twice (it means slowly shaking twice in 1200ms), the profile do the task “shake2”. Let check the memo at the bottom…

  4. If display on
    Default is on. This profile turn on the sensor checking by the display become on.

Tasker’s frequency of checking the sensor is too long (100ms is minimum). So tasker can’t detect quickly shaking twice.

In my opinion, at the physicality, the watch’s sensor can only detect the shaking. The malfunction is happened too many times.



i loaded the profiles into tasker and i noticed that it uses autoinput and whatchdroid but i don’t use them at the moment. What I want is a simple shake that doesn’t activate too easily so I deleted all the profiles that were there and created the actions from scratch using only the shake 2 profile but I lost the double shake. However, at first the action was activated too quickly, a small movement of the wrist was enough. I played a bit with the “as values” condition and put in a “display on and orientation face up” action to limit the sensitivity but now I have to shake hard enough to get it to work. I’ll try it for a few days then I’ll let you know.

Now I’ll explain what I need this method for. Basically my Lemfo doesn’t allow me to send WhatsApp messages with “ok Google” so I installed “Touchless Chat” (although it’s outdated but it’s working) to send WhatsApp messages with voice. I can launch the Touchless Chat apk also from Autovoice or with “Button Mapper” shortcut but I want more by making it start also with wrist shake. That’s what the shaking is for.

I see your situation. I think its nice idea. I made this project 2 years ago, so I forget details…

Please change the tasks at tub of “task”, the 4 profiles do only ckecking the acceleration.

At task tab
“shake1”; If you shake once, profiles do this task.
“shake2”; If you shake twice,

For example, at task No.3 in “shake1”,
I use Autoinput for disturbing display become off by watch’s setting. So I think its not be must.

APPENDIX, explanation of variables.
%ToggleGesture : This variable conut how many times shaked. 1 is shaking once, 2 is shaking twice (for 1200ms).
%ToggleGesture2 : This variable check the mode. 0 is normal mode, the project donot do tasks, only show flash messages. 1 is operation mode, if you shake twice, this variable get “1”. the project start watchdroid by additional shaking once. “3” is operation mode2, the project swipe the screen by Autoinput.


thank you very much for your explanations but I can’t find the right compromise without autoInput and WhatchDroid installed. Have you tried it on your watch? I don’t know if you also have a Lemfo LEM 16 . I will try to make other attempts.

after various tests with tasker i preferred to use macrodroid which gave me the possibility to adjust the sensitivity of the shaking and it seems to me more suitable to use it as a real shaking. Now I can shake the watch with a little extra force so it doesn’t click every time without my consent. Thanks anyway for your project it was a good alternative .you see the video isn’t always accurate but maybe it’s better not to trigger it randomly

meanwhile I would still like to understand why on my Lemfo I can’t send WhatsApp messages with the Google assistant like all cell phones do. I had to come up with this method with "taucless apk " to send WhatsApp messages I went back 7/8 years when Google didn’t allow to dictate and send WhatsApp messages! If anyone knows the reason let me know Thanks. I would be happy to abolish this trick!

Are you talking about the LEM16 @Bettuccio2 ?

yes I’m talking about the Lem 16 but this post is old now I can use Hey Google to send WhatsApp messages. I wrote it a few days ago in the right section remember?


Ah yes. Sorry.
Thanks for clarification :+1:

of nothing. All right

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lol, basically, “Thanks for clarification” means Sorry For My Mistake
Does that sound reasonable? @Bettuccio2

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I guess the several locations for this particular issue led to my confusion.
I will now go away quietly and punish myself :pensive:


we can all get confused. It happens to me often :sweat_smile:. Good day Pablo


Thanks mate :joy::+1: