Another Weide Replica interpretation.
If something wrong tell me or post a picture. Have fun enjoy!
Amazing watch face. Great work.
How do I import the file? I click on the link and it opens with Google Drive then asks if I want to own with the watchmaker app. The app opens but the watch face doesn’t appear.
Open up google drive and refresh the screen you should see the file name at the top of the screen underneath where it says “quick access” I normally hold this down until I get the option to download.
I just get an invalid file message now
Since I use a phone to do this I assume you get a black screen with the file name across the top and it comes up stating invalid file. Since I am using a phone I see 3 dots on the top right hand corner and click on this. One of the option allows me to download.
I’ve downloaded the zip file then click the 3 dots and select import. When I select the zip file I just downloaded I get the invalid file message
When you click on the three dots do you get any of these options:
missing/deleted image from Google+
I thought you meant in the wm app
I said to open up google drive.
Makes no difference…when I try to import the watch in wm I get the invalid watch file error
I did open up drive app and downloaded zip file. Wm will not import.
I could be wrong but I don’t think watchmaker supports .zip files. I only use watchmaker for my watches that use android wear. Normally they use the file extension .watch. This watchmaker will support. I don’t see in the settings where you can change this but again I could be wrong.
Non android wear smartwatches I would take the zip file and put it in clockskin folder of the watch. I wouldn’t use watchmaker for that.
I’ve tried everything I can think of. Dropbox files work fine but I’ve never been able to get a Drive link to import.
Watchmaker doesn’t support .zip files. Since the watch faces in this forum are not for android wear, it won’t work in watchmaker.
You probably have been downloading .watch files from Dropbox which watchmaker will support.