Android software & hardware smartwatch JEWELS

Android smartwatch hardware and software JEWELS (at least for me; it may be different for you, depending on your needs). If you find better ones for the described purposes, let us know below (in such a case, please indicate full official name, company and link as shown below; thanks!):


  1. Smartwatch with telescopic rotating retractable camera in the crown neck (protecting from dust and sweat, besides privacy). Square-rectangular ones are better than circular ones to browse web pages and login in them with username and password, show application contents, etc. Plastic ones are also better than metallic ones, being lighter (you do not even notice that you wear them!) and with better antenna reception for wireless communications, including Bluetooth, WiFi (Wi-Fi) and phone calls using mobile data. You can wear them even while sleeping (see vibrating alarm application, below).

  2. Charger with USB connection, or at least with four pins (not just two), also allowing data transfer between computer (including Mac) and smartwatch in both directions (see Android File Transfer application, below).


  1. Device Info HW (Andrey Efremov). To see real smartwatch specifications. Beware that many have fake ones and this application shows the real ones. Do not be fooled.

  2. Face (dial) showing big digital hour with minutes and seconds, as well as battery percentage. Usually included with the smartwatch.

  3. hyperion launcher ( Amazing launcher, particularly when you have many applications in the small smartwatch display area (in such a case, the honeycomb format is less convenient). They can be set to display in a 5 x 5 matrix, showing on multiple pages if needed. Allowing to drag and change their positions manually. Also showing drawer with apps in alphabetical order (matrix of 5 columns x 4 rows). I have 25 + 18 + 11 applications showing that way in just three matrix pages. I have not set it as default (default is the face-dial indicated above to show time and battery percentage).

  4. QR & Barcode Scanner (Gamma Play). Great to read QR codes, and then login (username and password) via web browser (see Firefox application, below).

  5. Clock (Google). Useful to set vibrating alarms, not disturbing other people.

  6. Google Keep - Notes and Lists named as Keep Notes (Google LLC). Great to take notes for future reference, copy and paste, etc.

  7. Voice Recorder & Voice Memos (Simple Design Ltd.). Useful to record voice notes to not forget something later on.

  8. Clipboard - Paste Keyboard (NZDream). Clipboard manager. To copy-paste text strings, etc.

  9. XRecorder named as Screen Recorder - XRecorder (InShot Inc.). Great to save screen captures and screen videos. Useful, for instance, to save application configurations for future reference.

  10. Android File Transfer. Can be use with the charger indicated above, allowing to transfer data between computer (including Mac) and smartwatch.

  11. Send Anywhere (File Transfer) (Rakuten Symphony Korea, Inc.). Transfer files wirelessly between Android smartwatch and other devices, including Mac computers.

  12. Generic Battery Drainer (Jason K.S.L.L.). This is useful if you want to calibrate the battery (to drain it; beware to do it in 10% steps or so, to avoid overheating!) or to discharge the battery for instance 3% in the morning and 3% in the evening if you do not use the smartwatch such day(s), since lithium-ion batteries degrade if you do not use them. Ideally, charge them to 80% and recharge when at 40% (not less than 20%). 80% to 40% lasts me three days with wireless (Bluetooth and WiFi) turned off, and not using mobile data (Airplane mode on).

  13. Battery Alarm (Zoran Vujacic). To warn when the battery needs charging or when it should be disconnected from the charger.

  14. Multi Stopwatch & Timer (L.droid). Useful for that.

  15. VLC (Videolabs). To watch videos.

  16. Firefox Fast & Private Browser (Mozilla). I have found it to be the best web browser to login (username and password) web sites, since others may not show username or login fields.

  17. Screen rotation control (High Soft). To rotate display when needed.

  18. Auto-Scroll Browser (d.and.apps). To scroll for instance web pages not showing some fields like username or password to login.

  19. FX File Explorer (NextApp). File manager.

  20. Time and Memo - Always Visible Time and Memo (Wansoft). To show time (even with seconds) always, including when applications are opened.

  21. Dead Pixels Test and Fix (ZooxSoft). Check for dead pixels. Most useful when you buy a new device.

  22. RTR-NetTest 3G/4G/5G IPv4/6 (RTR-GmbH). Check wireless network.

  23. Fing - Network Tools (Fing Limited). Check wireless connections, including intruders in WiFi, etc.

  24. Sound Decibel Meter (Splend Apps). Quantify ambient sound level, to protect your hearing (including too-loud cinema theaters!). Remember that lost hearing cannot be recovered.

  25. Flashlight (Lighthouse, Inc.). Useful to see in dark environments. Sometimes it is just enough to turn on the smartwatch showing its dial. Otherwise, use the flashlight.

Update: 1st February 2025:

  1. Storage Analyzer & Disk Usage (Mobile Infographics Tools). Named as Drives after installation. Useful to find items taking most disk space (to move them elsewhere or delete them) to free space in the usually small flash space of smartwatches,

That is!



Thanks this is very helpful!

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