And here comes the Joker :) In fact it´s my adaption of the "Joker

And here comes the Joker :slight_smile: In fact it´s my adaption of the “Joker Watch” by Konstantin Chaykin, as a watchface for the X-Series and compatible watches…

Credits for the design go to: (unfortunately the Joker Watch isn´t listed on his site, but i think the credits are given properly)

It´s a funny (and for some of us a bit scary) watchface that has a “face” with about 20000 distinct “facial expressions” (due to the rolling eyeballs)


  • Left eye: hours
  • Right eye: minutes
  • Tongue & Teeth: seconds (in original it shows the moonphase, but that´s almost unimportant for most of us, i think)
  • The colourful ring around the face shows the batterystatus and rotates counterclockwise in the background from green over yellow & orange to red

Nothing more & nothing less - hope you like it :slight_smile:

Download at:

Alternative DL-Link:

Have fun…

The download link is actually not working. It seems that Watchawear is having some troubles now. @Terry_Zahn

@Ciro_Danise Thanks 4 the hint - here´s an alternative DL-Link:

Nice one! :slight_smile:
all 2 link working.

@zsolt_m Thanks a lot :slight_smile: Glad you like it!


@pinocchio_C Thank you!

@Maik_Dahles Thank you! Nice one!

@Sher_Akiloff Thank you too for liking it :slight_smile:

So this was done back here. How did you recreate this nearly 100% the same only difference is yours is not as sharp as @Baris_Kazak ​ can you exsplain how you got exactly the same image???
missing/deleted image from Google+

@Canadian_Time-Vapers There are a few directly facing pictures of this watch out there on Google… Maybe we both used the same? Or, as my face isn´t as sharp as Baris one, as you say, we used different ones :wink: Mine was created from a picture of a “Watch Blog” with “” as i´m not familiar with Photoshop or Gimp… Maybe i´ll download the face you posted in your Pic and do a comparison between the two faces - but i don´t know how to handle formats other than zip-files…

@Canadian_Time-Vapers I made a comparison, in PS, between two background image. Other size other resolution, other rotate, other draw factor, other color temperature. I think all two author made that from other source. Those, two dfferent face. Anyway thanks for head up.

cool, thanks