Always on display 1

Thanks for sharing this information @G1NT0N1C
It is indeed the most important weakness to fix with the Optimus 2.
Otherwise, it’s a very good watch :+1:

As mentioned not ideal for fitness but great for everything else. This watch will get stuck in a boot loop while running . Luckily the watch recovers once battery dies. However its the best at everything else

@Dr_Andy_Vishnu do you believe this problem is due to the sensors or moisture?
I’m beginning to think it’s the sensor.
Maybe switching to “Sports Mode” before the run might help if this is the problem.
Switching cuts off any other program using the sensor.
Just an idea…

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Personally i would say " moisture ". Sports mode is poor so i use MRA always ( or did ). Without sweat and rain this will always bootloop after 15 to 30 mins of cold air.
I’m only presuming its the camera gap causing this. In total i have had three o2’s and all the same.

Just curious, have you tried @G1NT0N1C solution using silicone sealant to seal the camera gap…?

I havent mate. To be honest i have stopped running and ruining watches. I have damaged too many to continue

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Ok, fair enough mate :+1:

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3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Optimus 2 Official support Thread - Updated 26/06/21