A10 Clockskin . Itsa kinda magic ( not )

I have no idea what makes me make these pointless faces . However , here is another one . If you do want quick access to this forum on your watch this is how you do it .


Install this first

Then here is the clockskin


What’s the apk ? A HTML5 app ?

It allows you to open the forum . A bit like a webpage shortcut

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Are they difficult to build, is a whole developer package needed ?

This is how i did it . Created a webpage shortcut on my phone . Then used this app to create the .apk


Then this app for the array 100 touch info

Sadly doesnt work on everything .

Its certainly not magic :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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Great idea :ok_hand:
I’ve got the Backup & Restore from Trustlook. Never got that idea to create a shortcut on phone and then ‘export’ it to the watch. Very creative :ok_hand:

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Great @Dr_Andy_Vishnu. Thanks

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Great! Thanks for sharing, doc!

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Excellent work, but my wife doesn’t let me use the remote.


Where did you find that radio or TV from the 50’s? Very beautiful and interesting idea.

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Here is a copy if you want to use it

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