A word of warning.... I am currently in mourning for my late father.

A word of warning…
I am currently in mourning for my late father.
If you are absolutely desperate and none of the other Mods will help you, then you can email me.

If however, I find out that you are pestering me for information that can be asked from any of the other 4 Mods here - I will react with furious anger and will not be held responsible for you getting banned instantly !!

As you have probably guessed, this is in response to many pointless email messages that I have received.

Apart from that, have a great Christmas everyone :blush::blush::+1:



I’m sorry to hear about your father Pablo… I wish you much strength in coping with your loss.

Dear Pablo!
Accept my sincere condolences in connection with loss of your father. Let God willing to you forces to cope with this bereavement.

My condolences @Pablo_Eleven_Pablo11

My condolences and wishing you and your family all the strength you need

Very sorry Pablo… All the strength…

Je pris pour vous :pray:

Awful news Pablo and there are never any words adequate, take care man

My Deepest Condolences at this Hard Time.

Mi más sinceras condolencias. Mucho ánimo Pablo en estos días festivos familiares en los que además, por desgracia, le echaréis más en falta aún si cabe.
D.E.P. y que Dios le tenga en su gloria (si eres creyente)
Un fuerte abrazo virtual, y ojalá que tengáis Felices Fiestas tú y tus familiares.

Thanks for your kind words guys. I only posted this publicly cos I was getting hassled :slight_smile: lol
But I appreciate your good wishes.

Accept my heart felt condolences for your lost. PEACE!

My sincere condolences my man! All the strength for this difficult time.

Very sorry Pablo to hear this, esspecially in this period of the year.
My sincere condolences.

Sincere Condolences for your loss, wish you strenght for you and your family…

Sorry for your loss. :frowning:

My sincere condolences, Pablo!