Welcome to Full Android Watches

Welcome to Full Android Watches Community

This is an ENGLISH SPEAKING community

Community Rules & Info - This is an ENGLISH SPEAKING community.
*This community is for sharing and the creation of custom faces for round Android smartwatches. This means that nothing here is for Android Wear

The content in this community is free. We openly encourage the creative abilities of our members and host their work. It is not appropriate to ask for donations for creations that are hosted here and we will ask any links for payment or donations to members to be removed. It is not in the spirit of this community for members to ask for personal donations. Members can have donation links on their G+ page - of course - but not on the community posts.
Donations given to the community as an organisation are used to further enhance the community and it’s related forums for the benefit of our members. Strict records of this activity are kept and these can be made available on request - if warranted.

1- Respect contributors. They are doing this for free with the occasional donation from users, and are not obligated to serve our every demand. If you ask for a design or any help without saying please and thankyou you will be reminded in the first instance. If you persist to show bad manners you will be removed from the community .

2- Respect fellow members and the community. Insulting members and moderators will not be tolerated under any circumstance .

3- Moderators word is law. If a moderator makes decision and posts it as a friendly suggestion, they are being nice. It is not an invite for discussion or an option. Ignoring this rule will result in an immediate and permanent ban .

4- Respect copyrights and trademarks. You MUST credit the original maker in your post and provide a link to their work on their website when possible. In short, if you are not the original creator you have to provide links and credits. If a port of a Wear face is made and it is from a website that clearly states no one can use or copy that work - a request to the original designer is needed .

5- Regarding faces (requested or made) based on real watches (A.K.A “homages”). Give us the name of the watch and watchmaker, tag the watchmaker in the post when possible, and provide a link to their official site or page for the watch. This not only promotes their work, but lets them know that an homage was posted in case they have an issue with it .

6- Face packs containing multiple faces are banned unless they contain 100% original works by the person posting the face pack .

7- Before you post, read the FAQs. In all likelihood, your question has already been answered .

8- Work with the contributors when troubleshooting an issue. Let them know what the issue is, what you have tried to fix it, and any other important information. “Stuff don’t work” type posts with little to no information will be deleted .

9- Face porting requests require a link to the original face, not just an image of the face. This is so those filling requests do not have to hunt down the original to their post complies with community rules .

10- No spam, no shills. This is an immediate 1st offense ban .

11- How to get banned :

Violate any of the above rules two times and you are gone. Other than that, have fun, make jokes, share and enjoy .

Good manners are required here. When asking for a face to be created or asking for help - remember to say please and thank you or you will not stay a member here for long !

NOTHING here supports Android Wear. Not the watches, not the faces, nothing.

Please do not post your work saying that they are for a specific brand name. This is wrong and misleading

The content in this community is free. We openly encourage the creative abilities of our members and host their work. It is not appropriate to ask for donations for creations that are hosted here and we will ask any links for payment or donations to members to be removed. It is not in the spirit of this community for members to ask for personal donations. Members can have donation links on their G+ page - of course - but not on the community posts.
Donations given to the community as an organisation are used to further enhance the community and it’s related forums for the benefit of our members. Strict records of this activity are kept and these can be made available on request - if warranted.

All the faces here are covered by © 2016
We protect our members copyright here and violations will be reported to the authorities. Each artist owns the rites to their work and they are entitled to seek the full support of the law if it is distributed without permission. Just because it is available to members here - does not mean it can be re-shared.

If you use certain components from the WatchAwear site - you must host the face on the WatchAwear site !! You can link it here but it is hosted there.

If you are found to be using other people’s images (even if they are homages to a brand face) without seeking their permission - and clearly stating this in your post - you will be BANNED!! This has been done to us and has caused us plenty of issues in the past. So we absolutely do not allow any member here to do the same to others! Equally - if you want to use someone’s work (or part of it) that is already posted here in this community - ask for permission first

Supporting the community - if you like us please help by clicking the PayPal link at the top in the forum banner.


this site has stopped working on mobile devices

It’s working perfectly on my mobile devices :thinking:

very strange. I can’t be more precise. my Internet provider is the same. the only difference is in the PC and phone (I tried different browsers). I know for sure that I used to work.

Aha. on the mobile phone was a link to .com and works. org

https://discourse.fullandroidwatch.org - this is correct and works


It is working on my phone try to relo try to reload the page

Yes, we have fixed the problem - about 5 months ago… :wink:


I am new here. I own a Kospet Prime 2.

I am looking for a guide to how things work here. How to install watch faces etc, In the Above article, the link is broken after “If you are looking for Guides, apps, FAQs, ROMs, Firmware, and everything else”

Could someone please point me to a function link to the 2newbie2 guide for this site?


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You are right, the text is old. In fact, we have merged a former g + community and a proboard forum. So you can find everything here in this place. On the start page you will find a link to our Youtube channel. There, for example, the installation of watchfaces is explained. if you get a look at them different categories, you should find your way around. Don’t get confused. I know this forum is big. If you have specific questions, you will get an answer quickly. But try to find a suitable section for questions.
For starters, I recommend this topic about the Prime 2. Probably not everything is interesting for you, but probably only a few questions about “prime2” remain unanswered:

-Kospet Prime 2 Official support UPDATED!


Thank-you for the reply

1 Like

Hello my friend … My question is please “How can I take a screenshot in kospet Prime 2?”

Same question asked and answered here, have a look:


WELCOME! :rofl:

6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Some pretty bad watches are starting to flood the market - Please Read!