UNLISTED VIDEO: https://youtu.be/Lr1CWtIjqnw

ADVANCED BUYING INFORMATION: Check back for an update once this IQI I3 watch is available. See the Square G+ Community for buying information on the new square Q1 lookalike watch.

This IQI K1 smartwatch appears to have the motherboard of the KW88 but repackaged in a very attractive new body. What you see here is an engineering prototype. The production units will have some differences, but it is hoped the process for handling watch faces will either remain the same or be improved over time.

You developers here on the Round G+ Android Smartwatch Community will be getting first shot at this I3 watch as soon as I can get vendor links and discount coupons for you. Check back on the top of this message and I’ll edit in the info when it is available.