Ukraine Proposed (2007) Greater Coat of Arms


This clockskin displays the Ukraine Proposed Greater Coat of Arms over the Ukrainian Flag.

From Wikipedia:
In this version, the shield is supported by a lion from the Galician Coat of Arms on the left and a cossack in traditional dress, wielding a musket, the symbol of the Cossack Hetmanate on the right. The Coat of Arms is crowned with the crown of Volodymyr the Great, symbolizing Ukrainian sovereignty and decorated with viburnum and wheat at the bottom.

This version of the coat of arms was proposed in 2007 but has not yet been approved by the Ukrainian Parliament.

Clockskin Zip File Download Link: Ukraine Proposed Greater Coat of Arms over Ukrainian Flag

Credit: Serge Averbukh;


As always @onourwatches a beautiful face mate! And a very fitting tribute to a very gutsy nation! :+1: :+1: Cheers, Doons
(And yes mate, I don’t have UL so I can’t use it…but I sure can admire the creation of it!)

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