This is a informational post regarding the location of the antenna's in the KW88

This is a informational post regarding the location of the antenna’s in the KW88 Watchband.
@Petrov_Gabor asked where the antenna’s were because of his 3G signal problems.

The photo’s are orientated as attached to the picture of the opened back of the KW88. You can see the antenna wires coming from the watch.
As the PCB design is the same as the IQI I2, the 3G antenna is on the left bottom (There should also be an unused spare 3G connector on the right bottom if it’s complete like the IQI I3)

The square rubbers covering the antenna pcb’s are glued, so you can carefully peel/cut them off with an exacto knife. But be warned, it can be very difficult to solder onto kaptan flexible pcb is the wire is loose, so do it right the first time.

Thank you @Kenneth_Tan ​!