The need I have for access to various array types

I have access to the basics (rotate hour, array hour, etc.) and now I am need of a “days of the month array”.
Is there a repository of “all” arrays for standard and the UL? If not, I would appreciate someone providing access to the needed “days of the month array”.

But I’m not sure what you mean with day of the month…Arraytype 2?

I don’t know what array type 2 refers to, but I need an array that will (on the skin) track each day of the month (1,2,3,…31). AND if array 2 is what I want, where can I get it?

Clockskinmaker supports it and WatchFacheDesigner also. “Day of month” is what you are looking for.

So, where do I get it (remember I’m a novice) OR is it something I can create in Notepad?

Which program do you use to create your Faces? Whichever - you do not need to type Arraytype 2, the program does it for you.

I use CSM but it does not have that array

Day of month. Maybe it’s named slidly different, but it’s there. Did you never get the idea to try a little?

It has array_monthday, but on executing it, it says "Bad XML format

P.S. I also need it to rotate a marker to the correct day of the month

Think about downloading a face with the needed features. Open it in CSM and look how it works and what is needed. It’s a perfect way to learn the basics.

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Great advice, thanks!

Check your other post about this.:slightly_smiling_face: