Stock skin disappeared?

Wow Super​:sunglasses::+1::tada:

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Well, the skin I have built displays the wrong time , but all other skins work well. :thinking:

Maybe some wrong option when exporting (as standard skin)? Should I set the time at 00:00 in WFD before exporting?

If you PM me a link, I’ll have a look.

It is not necessary to reset the time before exporting. If you examine the clockskin file, the images for the clock hands should all be pointing straight up. Is that the case?

No, it is not the case.
The hands point to a precise time ( the same you see in the images I posted 11:09:45).
I set this time in WFD for line up the layout, then exported.

Funny, the clockskin is out of sync exactly by the number of minutes of difference to 00:00.

Of course it is not a coincidence.

I’ll send a link asap.

Actually, this information is already enough for the solution. Open your draft in WFD. Then turn the hands using the rotation function so that all hands are pointing exactly up. Then export it again.

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That was the solution, after pointing the hands at 00:00 the time is correct after the new export.

Thank you, I just learned the clockskin exported doesn’t get the time from the system as soon as you install it into the watch whatever time the hands are pointed to, I was taking it for granted.

I was thinking about publish this skin in the roundface thread for other users.

While I am sure that many members would like to use it. But we have a deal with Lemfo: they don’t copy our watchfaces and we don’t copy their watchfaces. So it’s ok that you use it personally. However, I beg you not to publish it.

However, I will take this as an opportunity to ask Lemfo if copying faces would be a problem.

So is it a Lemfo watchface? I didn’t know.
Of course I 'll not publish it. :wink:

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You are right, it’s Kospet in this case. But the deal is the same.
I will ask and let you know. It would be great to see this face here in our community. :+1:


Hi G1NTON1c, any news about the sharing to community?

I’m on the subject. I’ll let you know when I get replies.


@Gianfranco_Campana please go ahead and share your work.
The original face in question was based on an old design, and used by Kospet and other brands. I think it is also included in the lemfo LEM 8.
It is a generic design from the early .watch face type designs.
You can credit Kospet in the post if you share it, but I am pretty sure that it was used on one of the very early Wear watches, similar to the LG or Motorola.
It has been used on many different smart watches.
So I don’t believe there is any problem with sharing it.


Thank you Pablo, shared :wink: