KW68 and AllCall W2 Discussion

Jun 30, 2018 11:01:47 GMT 1 soniasophie9697 said:

Jun 30, 2018 4:25:24 GMT 1 nkgautam said:

it is better to wait for the kw68 to be released then you can be 100% sure that it is for sale even the w2, you can’t trust what sellers put for sale and when it is going to be delivered.

When is KW 68 is gonna be available?
Any idea?
Coz i m really excited/desperate to buy my first smartwatch.


that only pablo11 can answer:)

Jul 6, 2018 12:50:38 GMT 1 nkgautam said:

Jun 30, 2018 11:01:47 GMT 1 soniasophie9697 said:
it is better to wait for the kw68 to be released then you can be 100% sure that it is for sale even the w2, you can’t trust what sellers put for sale and when it is going to be delivered.

When is KW 68 is gonna be available?
Any idea?
Coz i m really excited/desperate to buy my first smartwatch.

Before the end of this month is what KingWear told me today :+1:

1 Like
Jul 1, 2018 1:34:12 GMT 1 capt jon said:
Jun 30, 2018 21:22:31 GMT 1 leafar said:
hum i cant see nothing.

I'll help you. Click on the picture's to enlarge them.

Have a look at my I7. Zoom in and see what you think

pablo11 does’nt look so bad:)

Jul 1, 2018 1:34:12 GMT 1 capt jon said:
I'll help you. Click on the picture's to enlarge them.

Have a look at my I7. Zoom in and see what you think

A bit tacky? Compared to the Thor 4 or Lem 7.

The bezel looks cheap terrible

It is a cheap 4G watch.
Same spec as Thor 4 and LEM7 but around $115 USD…
It is plastic.
Aimed at people who don’t want to spend much and still get the functionality…
It is a no frills, bargain basement watch.
Oh, and it’s quite big…

Contrary to popular belief…
The speaker is behind the strap and the mic hole is next to the lower button on the side.
If you tap on this photo you can see these…

its waterproof and 620mah battery capacity,my lemfo lem6 look much better.

Jul 7, 2018 3:00:46 GMT 1 leafar said:
its waterproof and 620mah battery capacity,my lemfo lem6 look much better.

Yes I know what you mean.. But as I said, this was meant to be a cheaper alternative to the others. So it is not going to be a work of art It works well... But doesn't look pretty

Also, it is classed as splash proof… Or “life proof” as some are calling it.
It is not “hold under water waterproof”

So they tell me…

I quite like the I8.
It is based on the I4 design with the same curved alloy body.
4G and two buttons…
Not 100% confirmed yet but it should be on the 6739 soc which allows 4G phone calls.
Usual 1gb ram and 16gb storage and supposed to be a 650mah battery…

yeah,the I7 ,no go i was excited no anymore.
Allcall W2 the only thing that hold me is the 460Mah if it make 9 hour a day it will be fine.
the I8 look terrific and 650Mah great,but maybe no waterproof and no edge to edge full around screen.
i dont get it,about the screen the zeblaze thor pro with 1.53 inches screen and the ips display are the best two things for this devices, beside of the battery capacity.

Jul 7, 2018 3:00:46 GMT 1 leafar said:
its waterproof and 620mah battery capacity,my lemfo lem6 look much better.

Yes I know what you mean.. But as I said, this was meant to be a cheaper alternative to the others. So it is not going to be a work of art It works well... But doesn't look pretty

Also, it is classed as splash proof… Or “life proof” as some are calling it.
It is not “hold under water waterproof”

So they tell me…

Pay attention that LEM6 is not “really” waterproof… It’s only IP67 and not IP68, u can’t swim with it

Pablo11 and Sonia the AllCall W2, not Kingwear,Android 7.0, i just order one and i want to know if support IOS iphone devices. I mean the Apk companion,WiiWatch.

Jul 19, 2018 0:10:51 GMT 1 leafar said:
Pablo11 and Sonia the AllCall W2, not Kingwear,Android 7.0, i just order one and i want to know if support IOS iphone devices. I mean the Apk companion,WiiWatch.

it should be, does the wiiwatch 2 is on the apps store?
Jul 19, 2018 0:10:51 GMT 1 leafar said:
Pablo11 and Sonia the AllCall W2, not Kingwear,Android 7.0, i just order one and i want to know if support IOS iphone devices. I mean the Apk companion,WiiWatch.

It does but it is terrible . Not as many options as android . You will get tons and tons of annoying notifications and cannot stop them . No control
You will not have the facility to select which apps can / cannot send notifications

You say allcall w2 dont support bt calling but gearbest say suport what is the rigth

Jul 26, 2018 15:01:47 GMT 1 stelikas said:
You say allcall w2 dont support bt calling but gearbest say suport what is the rigth

That I am wandering too, I did when to AllCall forums and even Facebook and ask. No answer yet, but all the ads shows and sellers says that support Bluetooth calling. 
Jul 26, 2018 16:25:19 GMT 1 leafar said:
Jul 26, 2018 15:01:47 GMT 1 stelikas said:
You say allcall w2 dont support bt calling but gearbest say suport what is the rigth

That I am wandering too, I did when to AllCall forums and even Facebook and ask. No answer yet, but all the ads shows and sellers says that support Bluetooth calling. 

i saw this