Kospet Prime Photo Quality

Kospet Prime per the specs has an 8 MP camera which I believe is actually an interpolated 5 MP camera. Assuming an actual 5 megapixel camera I’m having a hard time understanding the low photo quality I have had so far. I’ve got some older cell phones with 5 MP cameras and the quality of photos from them is far higher than the photos I’m seeing from the Kospet Prime.

I’ve wondered if there was a film covering the camera lens like there was on the watch face when I unboxed it but I don’t see any (at least I can’t see any with my eyes and a flashlight on it). I didn’t want to start scraping at the lens in case there wasn’t any and risk damage to the lens. One of the reasons I bought the Kospet Prime was in hopes of having better video / picture quality available on my wrist than the previous 2 MP watch I had previously.

Looking for others to share their experience with the camera quality. I will upload a picture tomorrow when I can take a picture outside in sunlight. I can live with the current quality but would like to make sure that it is not just this watch having apparent low quality pictures.