I think (not sure as of now) that I have solved that issue with this watch what I also did was go to another set of settings that goes like this
settings>more>app settings>special access>battery optimization>WatchDroid Assistant
And then I procceeded to set that to not optimized. everything else I will leave the same for the moment and get back to you guys and see if that makes a difference. just to make sure that I am on point with this I will let you guys know what I have set on my watch (kospet prime SE)
Standby Intelligent power is turned off
Background Cleaner battery saver is turned off
System work mode is set to normal
WatchDroid Assistant is set to Unrestricted Data Access
WatchDroid Assistant is set to Not Optimized in the Special Access Battery optimization section.
I know it’s a lot but I am just trying to make sure that it works like I need it and if others or maybe even another phone that is similar to this has the same issues I have that this can solve the issues they may have going on with it.