It be possible to wake up the d5 With 2 taps in the screen

It be possible to wake up the d5 With 2 taps in the screen like the LG phones?

a) lift arm to look at watch
b) tap twice… or
c) quick twist/flick of wrist

Are you sure? On D5 there’s no such thing as double tap waking function .

I’m wearing my watch and I just did the double-tap… and the time is… 06:15

Come on Meredith - share your secret with us please.

Well, an apology might be in order… over the last couple of hours I’ve been testing the arm-lift-tap-tap routine - and all’s well… however, I started to test the arm-lift-NO-tap-tap… and even without the tap-tap the watch still comes on… my conclusion is - that in the brief time between the arm-lift and the watch coming on, I was tap-tapping; giving me the impression that it was the tap-tap that was turning the watch on… D’oh!


Some one try this apk…?..knockr…