Mine doesn’t work neither like as if its dead I know its charged the screen doesn’t show nothing just black, I press buttons top and bottom and then both buttons nothing happens. I plug in to my computer and I hear beeps a few times on my PC as its connecting and maybe its disconnecting not sure when I load “MTK Droid Root & Tools” or “Smart Phone Flash Tools” its shows its disconnected, I remove the USB cable and then I connected it again its still shows its disconnected and the beeps start up again as if the watch is going on a loop when its booting.
Any Help here? Does it mean my watch had it, dead, throw in the bin?
Ive even held my power button for two minutes solid with no response whatsoever. It still opens the kospet screen and battery indicator when i plug it to either a wall outlet, battery pack, or computer. Its very frustrating to say the least.
Try to flash the fw, it can help.
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Ok this is the first time my laptop has even recognized that the watch is connected. I have found the files from the kospet website, downloaded the flashtool, usb drivers, and firmware dated 20190305.
Heres the deal, i have never really used a computer for anything but youtube and netflix. I dont lnow how to open a .rar file or a .zip file. I dont know if my laptop has something to do that installed. Im so computer illiterate its truly not funny. I dont know what to do now that i have the files… But i know i do not want to unplug the watch from the computer. It still hasnt come on but its being recognized so i dont want to risk it not being recognized later.
Any and all help will be most appreciated to the utmost of my ability to appreciate anything!!! Please someone tell me exactly what to do???
which operating system do you have on the laptop?, i.e. windows 10, windows 7, ubuntu, mac os, chrome os…
Windows 10
I have chrome also.
But i can use whatever, as long as i know how to get it if i dont have it
I am still connected to my macbook pro . Connects with " android file transfer " . Works like a dream . No drivers or anything needed to work .
@Thetortoise_Is ok, that’s good
to unpack the .rar file you will need some software, for example winrar(https://www.win-rar.com/postdownload.html?&L=0)(just choose run and follow the on screen instructions)
then to unpack MTK_USB_Driver_exe_v1.1121.0.rar, right click on it and then choose “Extract to MTK_USB_Driver_exe_v1.1121.0”
then to install the driver go to .\MTK_USB_Driver_exe_v1.1121.0\v1.1121.0\ComPortDriver and double click on InstallDriver.exe
to unpack the .zip files you can do the same as for unpacking the .rar file
after unzipping the files rename “Hope_B_20190305 (32+3)” to just “Hope_B_20190305” and then go to .\SP_Flash_Tool_exe_Windows_v5.1804.00.001\SP_Flash_Tool_exe_Windows_v5.1804.00.001 and double click on flash_tool.exe, then click more info, and then run anyway.
then in sp flash tool, press the choose-button on the line it says “scatter-loading file” and select the MT6739_Android_scatter.txt located in .\Hope_B_20190305\3224_image
at last let it stay at “download only” and press the download button
you will see it progressing at the bottom and when it’s finished a green check mark will show up
usually you would connect the watch after having pressed download, so if nothing happens try to disconnect it and connect it again
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