Hi I have few questions about using my kw88.

I have few questions about using my kw88. I’m new with smartwatch and i also know that this watch is on full android system not on android wear version. My question is, if is possinle to use watch to manage my phone, i mean see who is calling, see massages same how is possible on android wear smart watches. Another question is, how to use watch faces which is in zip folder to download as a main screen.
Thanks for all answers

Hello, yes you can see it all in the clock. :slight_smile:
To use watch faces in a clockskin folder must use @Eric_Crochemore App; see: http://roundandroidwatches.proboards.com/thread/292/universal-clockskin-launcher-beta-version

Something more? How i can see all this on my clock. It’s mean i have to use this luncher?

Just use Sinwear companion software.
This New launcher is to add more custom faces.
Se more information here…

More information where? Link over?

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