Hi everyone, I am very happy to announce that G1N T0N1C is now a

@Jurgen_Oberst then my apologies. I have been away for some time. I have been popping in occasionally but until just recently I have been looking after my wife who has just had a very large ovarian tumour removed. I have been out of the picture for many weeks so I could have easily missed it.
She’s a lot better now so I am getting back into things again.

@Pablo_Eleven_Pablo11 hi that’s sad to hear hope everything will turn out well with your wife! Greets

@Jurgen_Oberst thanks mate

Congratulations G :+1::+1::beer:

Way to go G1N! …er Sir G1N!..er…Your Royal Highness G1N…er…what the hell, you get the point! :+1: :+1: :worried: :crazy_face: :rofl: Cheers, Doons

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Wow, G1N has finally been appointed as an official moderator :+1: well done (@Doonsbury, now we don’t have to pretend anymore, his imagination has become reality :rofl:)

Somehow I’m getting a feeling of déjà vu :thinking: :rofl: :joy:


Who the hell dug up that old stuff ??? :joy:
Back then I was young and beautiful. Nowadays I’m just “and”.


It wasnt me … :joy::joy::joy::joy:


The shame of it! Imagine all us old guys (Ok, I know your young (ish!) but it works out better if we are all old! :woozy_face:) being repressed (Like that one? It sounds impressive, yes? :smile:) nay, brutally repressed, by a bunch of guys who aren’t young and aren’t old but just “And(s)” I vote we demand that we get a bunch of younger Moderators to push us around! Are ye with me brothers?!! :woozy_face: :crazy_face: :rofl: Cheers Doons!

P.S. Dontcha just love the way @Dr_Andy_Vishnu says right away “It wasn’t me…your Lordship”! Gezzzzzzzzz


Congratulations @G1NT0N1C :ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand::+1::+1::+1:
You deserve it you have helped everyone including me .:bouquet:

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Welcome on board. Congrats again :rofl::rofl: