Hey People i need some help, i have a Y3 Smartwatch, iam tryng to put skin on but i dont have the folder ClockSkin, i need to root the smartwatch or change firmware? Thanks
Daniel, vai à memoria interna do teu SmartWatch e cria a pasta “ClockSkin” (o “C” e o “S” em maiúsculas) depois é só sacares as ClockSkin em formato Zip e colá-las nessa pasta “ClockSkin” no teu SmartWatch. E não é necessário fazeres qualquer tipo de Root.
Daniel, you’ll need to install either the ClockSkin Launcher or standalone app from here.
Then create a folder “ClockSkin” using the file manager. Some zip files will work as is, but others need to be unzipped first into a sub-folder.
Also, no need for root.
Everything is said
You don’t install standalone app, just the ClockSkin launcher