@Doonsbury please use that thread for further questions.
@Dr_Andy_Vishnu Hi Tim, Yes I have tried to install Universal Launcher twice now and each time it has, basically “Frozen” my watch (Kospet Hope Lite) and I’ve had to do a factory reset to get it moving again. So, at least for the time being, I’ll stick to the stock…although I must admit there surely are some very attractive and interactive UL designs out there. Cheers mate, Doons
@R_Sauvalle I am using the “Poker face” on my kospet now and I am simply delighted with it! By adding the grey face it is so much easier to distinguish not only the cards, but it is also way better for seeing the hands at a quick glance. When you compare your design with the original watch the outer minute ring on the original watch now looks to be way oversize! I can see what you mean about the graphics quality, but a lot of that is also that the watch face of the Kospet is considerably smaller than the Molyina. Anyway thanks very much for giving me the chance to have a watch that I like very much, now available on my smart watch…believe me, it is much appreciated mate! Cheers, Doons
@R_Sauvalle There was one thing I forgot to mention that I’d like on the watch…I can’t for the life of me think how I forgot to mention it before…but it’s no big problem for a man of your talent! Would you be able to teak the watch so that every hour…on the hour…it shuffles the cards and give a different winning hand? You know…Royal Flush…Full House…4 Ace’s…Ok! OK! Just a joke! I will post a couple of pics of the face on my Kospet as soon as I can get my phone to talk to my computer again…it’s being temperamental! Cheers, Doons
@Doonsbury yep, no problem. I’m glad you liked the watch and that all the artistic liberties I took were approved. I have a thor pro 3g with a huge 1.7" transflective screen, so I really like bright watch faces /skins.
@Doonsbury haha oh yeah sure I can it’s quite simple really, I’d just animate gifs and trigger them at certain hours with some LUA programming with watchmaker. I think it’s simple but then LUA is always messy for me.
BTW, sorry about the virus embedded with the watch I uploaded, so “now all your base are belong to us”…
See? I can also joke
@R_Sauvalle Good Lord! I added a new watch face…and jeopardized world peace! I forgot to mention that I had already added your Breitling to my watch. A very nice face indeed. I did also like the look of the UL’s full chronograph model, so maybe when I get another smart watch I’ll run UL on one of them…so I can run a few chronograph models. I have about 60 wrist watches in my collection and at least 80% of them are chronographs. But thanks again for the face! Cheers, Doons
Thats strange ? Never had a watch yet that has had that happen too . Just installed , accepted all permissions and off i go …
I will have a think on this …
@Dr_Andy_Vishnu Yes, I may be doing something wrong…but I have followed the Utube vid on how to install it. But once it is loaded I have a “Black face” where my watch faces should be (Even though I have about 20 faces on my watch, so not all just faces that came with the watch) So I prefer just to stick with the stock launcher and not muck around altering the operating system of the watch…which UL does, even if to a small degree.
@R_Sauvalle @Nicholas_Herczeg Hi Guys, here is a side by side shot of the original wrist watch and the finsihed smart watch face. Thanks again for all the generous help! Cheers, Doons
@Doonsbury nice pic, thanks for sharing! Enjoy
Fair enough . The black face thing is normally when the watchface is incompatible . If you press and hold the black face the watch usually vibrates and you can swipe to the left until you reach the universal launchers test face . Never mind eh
@Dr_Andy_Vishnu Hi Tim, I haven’t completely dis-guarded the idea of using UL but I’ll leave it be until I become a bit more competent in handling my smart watch (Only had it 3 weeks) and have learnt more about UL. But certainly I have plenty to be going on with learning to use the WFD and trying to make a face for the standard launcher. It’s good to know that people like everyone I’ve met so far on the forum are willing to offer up advice and encouragement…both of which I could use a great deal of! Cheers, Doons
Your very welcome . Have fun
@Doonsbury Just so you know if you download Clockskin Transfer on your watch, you can download faces to your phone and transfer them directly to your watch. The app creates an ftp of sorts and shows a website. You go to the website on your phone or computer and it’ll show you all your faces as well as 2 buttons. One is for loading a Watchface in zip format(what they’re usually downloaded as) and the other button sends it to the watch. With that program you don’t have to worry about how most watch chargers are losing the data wires(to prevent unauthorized BIOS flash downloads). It handles the face transfers over WiFi. Also, search for Clockskin Preview. If you’re interested in designing, while not perfect, it’ll give you a good idea of how your faces will look on the Kingwear and X series(Finow) graphics engines, as well as Universal Launcher. It works with faces you’ve made and those you’ve downloaded.
@Doonsbury create a new thread That watchface must be cleaned up with photoshop, or in my case, it would be with autodesk sketchbook (free) and a microsoft surface pen
@R_Sauvalle Thanks for the info about photoshop mate, I’ll have a mess around with it and see what happens. I won’t bother with a new thread, as I am not asking anyone to make this for me, just after some info on how to get started. I’ll just delete the post. Thanks again…By the way, the Poker face is proving to be a hit with people who are seeing it!
@Nicholas_Herczeg Hi Nicholas, Yes I do have clockskin Transfer on my watch and a mighty handy little app it is too! As you said, transferring watch face files from your computer to your watch is a breeze. I’ll take a look at Clockskin preview, sounds like it might be a valuable tool. Might be a while though because I’ll have to buy a copy of Photoshop to help me get started in having a lash at some designs. Thanks for the info and advice, much appreciated mate. Cheers, Doons
@Doonsbury This is the way I got CS6 for free YouTube - CS6 for free. Its definitely not the newest, but it’s extremely useful. It has 2 downloads, the program and the key. I’ve used both and never got a virus. I dunno if the key is commercial or not, but if you’re just doing it as a hobby and not for money, then that shouldn’t be an issue. If you want to go safer and still free, there’s always GIMP. It’s not as user friendly and doesn’t have all the tools that Photoshop does, but it’s still relatively usable. It has a little different learning curve as it’s not set up the same way as Photoshop. I’ve also heard of Affinity, but I’ve never used it, although I’ve heard it’s a little better than PS. It’s about $50 for a major release, but probably includes free minor upgrades. You’re welcome to try any of these options or none. I was just putting it out there.
@Nicholas_Herczeg Hi Nicholas, Thanks for the info mate. I’ll have a look at that site you linked to and see if everything looks ok. I have a couple of editors already, but I wanted to get Photoshop because everyone is saying it’s the way to go. Cheers, Doons