Hallo together, can someone do something like this? Its a binary watch.

Hallo together,

can someone do something like this?
Its a binary watch.

a) hour in top line
b) minutes in bottom line

is it technically possible to do it?
Is there a description how to make watchfaces?

@TC_DarkT 1) I’d have to think very hard about it
2) use search bar find “CSM guide”

Thx, that would be great :wink:

Had an idea for this?

Hey @Andrew_Davis how’s your thinking coming along.
I’ve thought about doing one before, since I speak fluent binary, although it’s still not that easy to read, but I’d enjoy the challenge. As you’ve probably realised it’s not that straight forward, but we can do some tricks :slight_smile:

@Andrew_Somers I got as far as “thinking” about the top row :)… but this is on hold for me so give it a go… my parents’ health issues are going to use up a lot of my spare time…

Would be great if someone can realiter this. Whish you all the best @Andrew_Davis

Hope it goes ok with you’re parents Andrew.

Thank you :slight_smile:

The subject resists?
I’m interested.