Guess - Rigor W0040G3 Credits: Original watch:

Guess - Rigor W0040G3


Original watch:

My mate has got one and i had to change the battery for him and thatswhy i choose to make this face. :smiley:
Bottom hand is for battery.

Download link:


1 Like

@Ron_Nemtsev Youre welcome. :smiley:

nice face, thank`s

@Joao_Nascimento Glad you like it. :wink:

Download please format dropdox

@zsolt_m @Pablo_Eleven_Pablo11 Thanks! :slight_smile:

@Tony76_Marchese Why? Cant you just download the ZIP file from Google? Its free.

Some countries like China for instance - can’t get Google. That’s all I can think of…@Richard_van_Aggelen @Tony76_Marchese

Dove lo trovo google per scaricarlo nel mio wcht maker

It does not work for Android Wear. None of these faces do.

@Pablo_Eleven_Pablo11 Thanks for the explenation. :wink:

Hello I download it . But how to install in kw88

@godwin_rajkumar you know - it doesn’t hurt to search a little bit

@Pablo_Eleven_Pablo11 Thanks for that Pablo. :+1:t2:

não encontrei o link para essa belezura, alguém tem aí? tnx

aí que vergonha tá logo acima foi mal galera

@Cacio_Winder English please - or most will not reply. Sorry but this is an english speaking community

que pena, só não entendi, afinal não tem google tradutor por aí? Mas tudo bem tranquilo. Obrigado pelos peixes.