Folks the biggest update is that there is now a setting to fit apps

Folks the biggest update is that there is now a setting to fit apps to the screen! And it works perfectly!

Can we get this for the D5?

This is a standard feature on these watches - same on the I2, S99 etc etc

Would be nice if there was an app that could call/start another app and re-present it within a given screen size… Shame I’m no coder…!

@Chris_Hawkins and an absolutely huge task !! :slight_smile:

@Paul_Mackel I am using Xposed to change DPI on the D5 apps…For the most part it works pretty well…

@Stephen_Pike and that will work here too - once we develop a suitable recovery and root.
I am warning people now - don not ry to root this device until we have finished this process.
Chances are you could end up with a corrupted device - as tests have already proved.

@Stephen_Pike what DPI settings are you using.

@Chris_Hawkins once full root and custom recovery is released an app called xposed and a combination of others can achieve what you want. It will happen in time.
Most importantly the watch needs to stable first !!