Domino dm368 / Lemfo l16 Battery time is awful.

Domino dm368 / Lemfo l16

Battery time is awful. I never go past 5 pm. I always have to put it off and charge while having lunch. Annoying.

Any hint to improve battery time?

Any app I can uninstall or disable?

Any utility to save power? A really good one, last thing I need is another bloatware…

Thank you, a nice Xmas to all of you.

We need to apply for an improved firmware update for this watch.
As of now it is not a watch that we officially support.
However, LEMFO have been in contact and very soon we hope to be working together. Keep an eye on the community over the next week…

Thank you. The dm368 seems just a Lemfo l16 rebranded but with a bigger battery, or at least those are the specs. So I don’t know, but as per your suggestion I’ll wait for the news. Thank you.