credit for this deign goes to artur r at*

credit for this deign goes to artur r at* - Ferrari testarossa - Resources for WatchMaker Beautiful Watches for Android Wear

Looks stunning! Good work done but i only wish the red was more Ferrari red.

@Richard_van_Aggelen ​ I have another red Ferrari and he is much better. Download red Ferrari, install and you will see what he is natural that everyone else is compared to him the cartoon.
link to a red Ferrari can find in my other publications.

Please remember to add credit for the design/brand in your main post. It’s in the forum rules and I keep having to ask you…
Check out number 4…

Community Rules:

This community is for non-affiliated promotion of firmware development, sharing of custom faces, and general support for round Android smartwatches. This means that *nothing here is for Android Wear, nothing here for square smartwatches.

If you are looking for Guides, FAQs, ROM, Firmware, and everything else, those are found on the Round Smartwatches Forum located here;

1- Respect contributors. They are doing this for free with the occasional donation from users, and are not obligated to serve our every demand.

2- Respect fellow members and the community. Insulting members and moderators will not be tolerated under any circumstance.

3- Moderators word is law. If a moderator makes decision and posts it as a friendly suggestion, they are being nice. It is not an invite for discussion or an option. Ignoring this rule will result in an immediate and permanent ban.

4- Respect copyrights and trademarks. You MUST credit the original maker in your post and provide a link to their work on their website when possible. In short, if you are not the original creator you have to provide links and credits. If a port of a Wear face is made and it is from a website that clearly states no one can use or copy that work - a request to the original designer is needed.

5- Regarding faces based on real watches (A.K.A “homages”). Give us the name of the watch and watchmaker, tag the watchmaker in the post when possible, and provide a link to their official site or page for the watch. This not only promotes their work, but lets them know that an homage was posted in case they have an issue with it.

6- Face packs containing multiple faces are banned unless they contain 100% original works by the person posting the face pack.

7- Before you post, read the FAQs. In all likelihood, your question has already been answered.

8- Work with the contributors when troubleshooting an issue. Let them know what the issue is, what you have tried to fix it, and any other important information. “Stuff don’t work” type posts with little to no information will be deleted.

9- Face porting requests require a link to the original face, not just an image of the face. This is so those filling requests do not have to hunt down the original to their post complies with community rules.

10- No spam, no shills. This is an immediate 1st offense ban.

11- How to get banned:

Violate any of the above rules two times and you are gone. Other than that, have fun, make jokes, share and enjoy.

I redid the clockskin, take all of the materials for his work here: on site contains a lot of faces for smartwatches, but not all are suitable for smartwatches android. I remade from face android wear for android. - WatchAwear - Resources for WatchMaker Beautiful Watches for Android Wear - a free public site that does not require special permissions for downloads.

@Pablo_Eleven_Pablo11 , you are satisfied with my arguments?

You need to credit the designer of the watchmaker face. This is my point. We work with WatchAwear and we normally give credit to the designer.

Этот продукт находится в свободном доступе бесплатно, я переписал его под Android.
Если вы посмотрите на свою точку зрения, любая конструкция, представленная здесь требуется кредит от дизайнера.

This product is freely available for free, I rewrote it under Android.
If you look at his point of view, any design presented here require a loan from a designer.

I think there is a miss understanding here.
All you need to do is say:

credit for this deign goes to artur r at

That’s all. It’s just a courtesy to him for his work…It’s really quite a simple thing.

nice face, than´s

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