Christmas stuff in november? Better soon than late...!? :-) My first watchface.

Christmas stuff in november? Better soon than late…!? :slight_smile:
My first watchface. Big thanks to ClockSkinMaker.
Download watchface:


Well done, great idea! Why don’t prepare for Xmas celebration right now :-). THX

GREAT upload, thanks.

Excellently! At my KW88 FW works very well! Thanks!

I might wait until early December to use this one as my everyday face (only 'cos I’m a right Grinch and can’t admit Christmas is almost upon us until the very last minute! lol!), but looking forward to it! :?D Nice face @Derk-Jan_Woltjer !!

Thank you for you’re enthusiastic posts @j_wo_jak @Ton_De_Waal @Sher_Akiloff @Chris_Hawkins and other for likes of course. Makes it worthwile to share!

And thanks +Ricardo Romero for creating ClockSkinMaker

@Sher_Akiloff Hi Sher, how did you make the cf work on your KW88? Can you pls post a link to the APK?

Hi @D_Lapeire thanks for commenting. I don’t know how to create APK’s from Clockskins. So looking forward to @Sher_Akiloff 's response :slight_smile:

Looks great,Thank you