@Cerebral_Flex has done a beautiful world clock a few days ago. But he struggles with quarz movement; it seems to be impossible to solve it in this way.
I decided to try another way. It works like charm with Stock launcher on devices with 400x400 px resolution, Universal launcher won’t work.
I created an own font for the red numbers for better legibility.
All credits to Cerebral Flex.
Excellent !! Thanks @G1NT0N1C and @Cerebral_Flex
Great work
Nice work to both of you. Just wondering, how would I change NY time to be GMT -4 instead of GMT -5 because right now, NY is GMT -4…
@CoOlSlY_CoOlSlY Atm, London Time is 16:45, right? And NY is 11:45, I guess. If you set your device to London time, the NY time will be correct, I think.
@G1NT0N1C Perfect. The font even looks like the old airport timetables. Thank you again for this, and the work that’s been put into it.
@G1NT0N1C sorry mate. Gonna have to remove any discussion about Wear faces.
@Pablo_Eleven_Pablo11 Ups… Sorry for that!
It would be perfect if you could set the London time to other cities by including skins for the other time zones! Great work anyway!
G1N T0N1C … Well ok, yes, London is 1:15pm you’re right (but is GMT+1)… Would have been interesting to have GMT (at work we always use both GMT and local time).
@CoOlSlY_CoOlSlY Yes, you are right. Maybe I do a 2nd version. It’s not so hard…
Looking forward to the second version!
@G1NT0N1C Any updates on the second “possible” version
@CoOlSlY_CoOlSlY Not for the moment, sorry. But if you like you can do the update and share it, that would be great. It’s no rocketry, feel free to do it. @Cerebral_Flex , I’m sure it’s ok for you, am I right?
Otherwise please be patient, I don’t have much time in the moment.
This face it’s perfect for those who are in London… who aren’t it’s difficult
@Joao_Jr Yes, thats right. I will do a 2nd version, but I don’t have much time in the moment.
your work is awesome . THANX