Cerebral Flex has done a beautiful world clock a few days ago

@Cerebral_Flex has done a beautiful world clock a few days ago. But he struggles with quarz movement; it seems to be impossible to solve it in this way.
I decided to try another way. It works like charm with Stock launcher on devices with 400x400 px resolution, Universal launcher won’t work.
I created an own font for the red numbers for better legibility.

All credits to Cerebral Flex.


Excellent !! Thanks @G1NT0N1C and @Cerebral_Flex
Great work :slight_smile:

@Pablo_Eleven_Pablo11 :slight_smile:

Nice good work!

Nice work to both of you. Just wondering, how would I change NY time to be GMT -4 instead of GMT -5 because right now, NY is GMT -4…

@CoOlSlY_CoOlSlY Atm, London Time is 16:45, right? And NY is 11:45, I guess. If you set your device to London time, the NY time will be correct, I think.

@G1NT0N1C Perfect. The font even looks like the old airport timetables. Thank you again for this, and the work that’s been put into it.

@G1NT0N1C sorry mate. Gonna have to remove any discussion about Wear faces.

@Pablo_Eleven_Pablo11 Ups… Sorry for that!

It would be perfect if you could set the London time to other cities by including skins for the other time zones! Great work anyway!

@G1NT0N1C ha ha - it’s ok :slight_smile: As it is you :slight_smile:
Anyone else would get booted for it - it’s not that we don’t like Wear - it’s just that there are about a hundred communities for that OS and hardly any honest Full Android communities…
We take pride in being the first, oldest and the largest of it’s kind :slight_smile:

G1N T0N1C … Well ok, yes, London is 1:15pm you’re right (but is GMT+1)… Would have been interesting to have GMT (at work we always use both GMT and local time).

@CoOlSlY_CoOlSlY Yes, you are right. Maybe I do a 2nd version. It’s not so hard…

Looking forward to the second version!

@G1NT0N1C Any updates on the second “possible” version :slight_smile:

@CoOlSlY_CoOlSlY Not for the moment, sorry. But if you like you can do the update and share it, that would be great. It’s no rocketry, feel free to do it. @Cerebral_Flex , I’m sure it’s ok for you, am I right?
Otherwise please be patient, I don’t have much time in the moment.

This face it’s perfect for those who are in London… who aren’t it’s difficult

@Joao_Jr Yes, thats right. I will do a 2nd version, but I don’t have much time in the moment.

your work is awesome . THANX

@Ghanshyam_Chainani You are welcome.